So the past 7 days have been full of injuries for our family. I felt like I lived at the Dr. last week...

Monday started the week off on the wrong foot last week. Drew and the neighbor boy were playing baseball in the yard when for some reason they decided that using a basketball instead of a baseball was a better idea. Well Drew quickly discovered that hitting a basketball will cause the bat to bounce back and hit you in the face. Suddenly the basketball was not such a great idea and Drew's eye was swelling. By morning it was swollen shut and he had quite the black eye.
Tuesday I went to the Dr. because I have been having lots of pain in my hip and lower back. After a 5 minute exam the Dr. says "You have hip bursitis, I'll give you a script for Naproxen and go to physical therapy". So by Tuesday afternoon I was in therapy.

Tuesday night just after Bible study as the girls were leaving, Mom and I decided to take Miss. Kathryn for a ride to see Christmas lights. In the process of getting to the van she was got knocked off the front porch by the dog on accident and landed on her eye on the step. You guessed it, another black eye. Poor thing she was such a little trooper, she only screamed for a minute and then was back on her original mission of us taking her for a ride to see the Christmas lights in the neighborhood.
So this morning as I'm emptying the dishwasher Tannin and Drew were
goofing off and Tannin fell over backwards onto the dishwasher and landed on a kitchen knife. I praise God that it went into his upper leg and not his back. He ended up having to go to the ER and got 11 stitches. He had a gash that was about 2 inches long and about 2.5 inches deep. We are watching it closely because even after we got home he was still bleeding. After a quick call to the ER they recommended we change the bandage and pressure bandage it. If it is still bleeding here by 3 I am going to have to take him back to the ER and possibly have more stitches, we are just praying that doesn't happen.
I think I should just invest in a bunch of bubble wrap and wrap my kids...
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