As my appointment with the endo approaches tomorrow morning I would normally be afraid right now. Preparing myself for the worst, anxiously awaiting the news that would change our lives forever. And yet I'm not. I know that when I lay down tonight I will sleep sound and will go to Champaign tomorrow and regardless of what I find out I know that I will be fine.
God has surrounded me with His peace in so many ways. Through friends and family, through His word, through our quiet times together and through the Esther study. In fact Esther was postponed last week because of the weather so our message last night came a week late. But the message is very clear, "Do not be afraid, I am in control". Knowing that He is in control and believing that He is in control are two very different things.
Do you know what the most repeated command in the Bible is? Most people guessed it had something to do with loving our neighbors or be kind to one another, surely it has something to do with the 10 commandments. Actually it doesn't, the most repeated command in the Bible is "Do not fear/be afraid". God says this hundreds of times in both the Old and New Testament.
I don't think that God is saying we should never be afraid, but I do think that He is saying that we should not let our fears rule our lives. Beth Moore had an awesome fill in the blank lesson last night. If _________, then God. Take whatever fear is ruling you and put it in that blank. Nothing you can come up with can trump God. We serve a mighty and good God that cares for us so profoundly that over 2000 years ago He stepped down from His throne to not only be with us but to save us. No matter what fear you have God will provide the strength and the courage needed to overcome it.
I personally never realized what a stronghold the evil one had on me when it came to my fear of something happening to me and leaving my children without a mother and my husband without a wife. But by saying If I die, then God, it puts it into a perspective that I can manage. I know that my God loves me and cares for me enough that even if I got the worst possible news He would carry me through and would provide a way for my family and I. He must have known that we would have a lot of fear ruling over us, so much that He tells us over and over and over, "Do not fear/be afraid".